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What Causes Oil Press Blockage?
Time:Thu-02-22 hits:

Grease is divided into cold pressed oil and hot pressed oil.
Cold pressing process: cold pressing oil is processed without heating or low temperature before the oil is pressed. The pressed oil has a lower temperature and lower acid value. It generally does not need refining, but can be refined after precipitation and filtration.
Hot pressing process: before pressing oil, the oil must be cleaned, broken and heated at high temperature, and then pressed.
Whether hot pressing or cold pressing, is to use the oil press.

The operating principle of oil press is a machine that extrudes grease from oil by means of external mechanical forces.
Due to the factors of improper operation, the oil press is blocked. Then what causes the blockage of the oil press?
1. Sieve cloth oil goes one-sided
If the screen surface is not horizontal, the length of the left and right hanger rods should be adjusted to make them equal.
If the screen body torsion pendulum, can adjust the eccentric shaft vertical with the frame.
If the oil goes to the stone screen surface, the frame can be adjusted to make it level. If the air flow is not uniform, the air regulating plate of the bellows can be adjusted to make the air flow evenly blow to the screen surface.
If the screen net rate is low, should replace the new brush or adjust the length of the brush, at the same time adjust the flat screen tilt Angle.
2. The belt machine does not clear oil crops when running
Bucket elevator conveyor under the oil crop accumulation is too much, resulting in blockage, can open the lower door of the conveyor, remove the accumulated oil.
The elimination method is to loosen the roller adjusting bolt and remove the oil between the rollers if there is oil crop between the rollers when starting.
If the feeding quantity is too large and the speed is too fast, the insert plate at the feeding mouth can be closed. If the thickness of the rolled embryo material is not even, the roller gap should be readjusted and the loose nut should be tightened.