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Why Must Cottonseed Oil Be Refined?
Time:Tue-05-23 hits:

In nature, many plants can be pressed into plant cooking oil to maximize the utilization of plants.
Cottonseed and cotton grow together. They have different forms and uses.
Cotton seeds are granular. Cottonseed can be used to press cottonseed oil and cottonseed cake, the oil can be processed into cooking oil, cake can be used as animal feed and plant fertilizer. Cottonseed is the seed that continues to grow cotton.
Cotton is batted and has now been bred to be coloured cotton. Cotton is mainly used in textile processing and health care. Such as: cotton yarn, cotton clothes, quilts, cotton swabs, cotton balls, etc.

Cottonseed oil is not suitable for the general population, so it is not a commonly used oil and is not commonly found in various supermarkets.
Refining process must be used to press cottonseed oil.
Cottonseed contains gossypol.
Gossypol is very harmful to human health, this substance in vegetable oil, cottonseed oil is the highest content, if not treated, after consumption will cause obvious harm to the human body.
After eating this kind of oil containing free gossypol, human body will appear panic, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness symptoms, and is harmful to the skin, so that the skin no longer sweating, and accompanied by a burning sense of skin, very uncomfortable.
After often eating, accumulated excess in the body, but also cause infertility harm, so cottonseed oil must be strictly checked when refining.