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Hydrogenation Vanaspati Plants Fat Modification Plant
Hydrogenation Vanaspati Plants is commonly employed to reduce or saturate organic compounds Hydrogenation typically constitutes the addition of pairs of hydrogen atoms to a molecule Hydrogenation was developed to convert vegetable oils to ma
Hydrogenation Vanaspati Plants
The process is commonly employed to reduce or saturate organic compounds. Hydrogenation typically constitutes the addition of pairs of hydrogen atoms to a molecule. Hydrogenation was developed to convert vegetable oils to margarine and Vanaspati products.

1. Low consumption of energy
2. Continuous bleaching, neutralization, deodorization along with post bleaching and post neutralization sections
3. Optimized process condition for proper selectivity and product consistency
4. Process Description of Hydrogenation / Vanaspati
Hydrogenation tends to increase the melting point of the vegetable oils (that have very low melting points) to about 36oC that is near about human body temperature.
Hence, the hydrogenated oils that normally remain in solid state get liquefied at human body temperature. All these properties maximize the shelf life of the hydrogenated oils and thus, these are widely used in varied food items like snacks, bakery products, sweets, etc.
Basically, all oils have both unsaturated as well as saturated fatty acids. By adding hydrogen, unsaturated fats get converted to saturated fats, decreasing the overall iodine value. Finally, the hydrogenated oil gets solidified at lower temperature.
The entire process of hydrogenation is carried out in batch vessels under pressure, in which, oil to be hydrogenated is heated. The entire hydrogenation process is done in the presence of nickel catalyst.
Post hydrogenation, the catalyst is recovered for re- use through the filtration of hydrogenated oil in plate and frame filter presses. The hydrogenation process ensures no loss of oil, as the hydrogen added makes up the oil loss that goes with the catalyst.
The extensive range of Hydrogenation offered by us is developed in tandem with the set industry standards. These are used for increasing of the melting point of unsaturated oils, fats and fatty acids.
The Hydrogenation reaction is carried out under hydrogen gas pressure in presence of nickel catalyst, high temperature and nil moisture conditions. These hardened fats are then used generally in combination for the formulation and processing of vegetable ghee (vanaspati), margarine, shortening, confectionery and other cooking fats.
Interested in Hydrogenation Vanaspati Plants Fat Modification Plant? Contact us for more details. We can execute your project with supply of machinery, installation, fitting as well as productions.
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